Work With Me
My goal is to help more companies succeed by getting clear early on about who their customer is, what the customer wants and what business they are really in. As a certified Leanstack trainer, I work with established companies and startups to realize their vision using the Leanstack methodology to validate their idea, quantify the size of the market opportunity, and target the right customer with the right offer. Leanstack is elegant in its simplicity and powerful in its ability to help companies find a bankable business model before they spend months or years building a product that no one wants. In today's business environment where big ideas are hard to find, targeting the right customer with the right offer is the key to success.
What you will accomplish
Don’t waste months or years building something no one wants, much less will pay for, and spending all your money in the process. There is a better way to nail the product-market fit right from the start, get traction, scale faster, and continuously iterate on the original concept - which often is not the one that succeeds. The Leanstack approach is hands-on, where you learn by doing, not researching and studying. Through continuous experimentation, you will build confidence and clarity on the direction to take as you gain new insights from each experiment. You need to learn faster and course-correct sooner to find the right idea at less expense. This is what Leanstack is all about. This is where I can help you.
LEANSTACK is a light-weight suite of Lean Startup and Lean Business Modeling tools, content, and coaching resources that are battle-tested and used globally by thousands of startups, established companies, accelerators, and business schools. Lean Canvas is an evolution of the Business Model Canvas, developed by Alexander Osterwalder at Strategyzer. The Lean Canvas has been specially adapted to the needs of startups and innovators. Business plans take too much time to prepare, are rarely read, and often don't survive contact with the market. The net result is that it slows down your time to market. With the Lean Canvas, you can capture your idea on one page in under 20 minutes, identify your riskiest assumptions, and quickly update the canvas as you get feedback from your customers. From best-selling books, to hands-on-workshops, to world-class tools, LEANSTACK helps you put Continuous Innovation to practice by helping you outlearn the competition faster. The speed of learning is the new unfair advantage.